Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The past couple of weeks have been uneventful.
A lot of slow hours, editing in the studio.

First video project is complete now:

Thanks for reading!

Friday, July 22, 2011


Tonight was a good night.

Was in my den editing, watching the volume bars go up and down on the monitor, when suddenly it hit me. This strange rare realization about how beats work.
I can't explain it. I don't know jack about mathematics or music theory, but I understood something tonight.  Not on an intellectual level, but on an emotional one.
It was getting close to midnight, but I told myself; I'm just going to try this one thing, and it worked! Oh boy, did it ever! When sound does what you want it to, it's like magic.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Hi all,

I'm back in North America, and back at the editing station.

Japan was wild, I got everything I wanted out of it, and more.

Now it's time to take all this stock material and give it form, I'll keep updating this blog as I go through the editing process, and hopefully post some work up here once I have something that I feel is complete.

Thanks for reading.